
Hybrid system overview


The hybrid system is the wave of the future, and now there are more incentives to purchase one. Owners of the Prius, or any other hybrid gas-and-electric vehicle, may be eligible for a federal income tax deduction. According to the internal revenue service, hybrid vehicles qualify for a long-standing tax deduction that applies to vehicles powered by clean burning fuels. The policy allows a one-minute deduction, which can be claimed by the consumer for claimed by the consumer for the year the car was first put in use.

In its simplest form, a hybrid system combines the best operating characteristics of an internal combustion engine and an electric motor more sophisticated hybrid systems, such the Toyota hybrid system,  recover energy otherwise lost to heat in the brakes and use it to supplement the power of its fuel-burning engine. These sophisticated techniques allows the Toyota hybrid system to achieve superior fuel efficiency and a massive reduction in CO2.

Hybrid system components:-

  • IC engine {internal combustion engine}
  • Motor generator 1
  • Motor generator 2
  • Planetary gear set 
  • Inverter 
  • HV Battery 
  • HV ECU

/-Motor generator 1 


Motor generator 1 operates as the control element for the power splitting planetary gear set. It recharges the HV battery and also supplies electrical power to drive motor generator 2. MG1 effectively controls the continuously variable transmission function of the trans-axle and operates as the engine starter. 

/-Motor generator 2

MG2 is used for motive force at low speeds and supplemental force at high speeds. It provides power assist to the engine output as needed and helps the vehicle achieve excellent dynamic performance. It also function as a generator during regenerative braking.

/-The planetary gear unit

Is a power splitting device. MG1 is connected to the sun gear, MG2 is connected to the ring gear and the engine output shaft is connected to the planetary carrier. These components are user to combine power delivery from the engine and MG2, and to recover energy to the HV battery.


Current between MG1,MG2 and the HV battery is controlled by the inverter. The inverter converts high voltage battery DC to AC power, and it rectifies high voltage AC from MG1 and MG2 to recharge the HV battery.

/-HV battery 

The battery stores power recovered by MG2 during regenerative braking and power generated by MG1. The battery supplies power to the electric motor when starting off or when additional power is required.

 *THS (2001−2003 Prius)   
 38 Nickel−Metal Hydrid modules 
Total voltage: 273.6V

 *THS−II (2004 and later Prius) 
    28 Nickel−Metal Hydride modules
Total voltage: 201.6V


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