Monday 6 March 2017

Nomographs in hybrid system

A Nomograph is a kind of chart that conveys the relationship between

different sets of numbers. The hybrid operation nomographs below
convey the relationship between RPM for MG1, MG2 and the engine.
Because MG1, MG2 and the engine are mechanically connected in the
Planetary Gear Set, if one of the components changes rpm, the rpm of
the other components will be affected. So in the nomograph, the rpm
values of the 3 power sources maintain a relationship in which they are
always connected by a straight line.

Figures down below shows nomographs for different  modes of Toyota Prius

1. Ready-on


2. Starting out

3. Engine starting

4. Light acceleration with engine

5. Low speed cruising 

6. Full acceleration

7. High speed cruising 


8. Maximum speed

9. Braking

10. Reverse 

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