Monday 6 March 2017

photovoltaic systems

In this article I am going to talk about the first type of photovoltaic systems

On-grid system

**The mechanism

The solar panel convert the sunlight to electromotive force And give (DC) current .
This current transferred through the dc wire to the inverter
 Alternating current then this current will injection to the local grid

The components**

-          (The solar panel )

It convert the sun line to electromotive force

-          (Inverter )

It convert the direct current to Alternating current

-          Ac breaker

to provide  the necessary protection for the system

-          Dc and Ac conductor

"Dc"  wire to transfer the dc current from the solar panel to the inverter 
"Ac"  wire to transfer the ac current from the inverter to the grid 
 in the next post we are going to talk about off-grid system and the main differences
 between on and off grid system 



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