
steel structure

Today we will talk about steel structures in general and for the most important advantages and disadvantages:

The pros and cons of steel structure*

First the pros :-

  1. beauty form.
  2.  performance efficiency.
  3.  low cost.
  4.  lighting in all parts during the day.
  5.  spaces and wide without prizes or columns, which provides good visibility extensive work, movement and space
  6.  the possibility of a significant increase in the earth's load without additional costs
  7. few dangerous incidents
  8. possibility of vertically rise to the distances can not be accessed by any other material
  9. Ease of installation and thus save time achievement
  10. can be ceiling temporarily and then utilized unzip it and move it to another place
  11. iron compliant borne vibration (such as winches in the laboratory)
Then the cons of steel structure:-

  1. Deliver and store more heat and cold
  2. iron needed for maintenance.
  3. extensive glass areas increase the likelihood of maintenance, which means that maintenance costs are high.
  4.  need for large land area for Sheds labs and spatial structures in which the roof is uncharted territory.

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